25 House Points for the best 100 word description of this image of St Paul's Cathedral at the height of the Blitz. Remember all the techniques that we use to make our writing exciting (personification, Ispace, powerful adjectives etc).
Just comment on this topic and type your description straight in, or alternatively word process it and cut and paste. Please ensure your description is not too long.
The closing date is Monday 30th and the winner will be announced next week.
Get posting and win those points!
The Year 5/6 team.

I had just been crushed,my house and family was gone,I looked up at the wicked ways of the sky above me and wondered what my life would turn out to be,I looked onward into a horrible cloud of thought, wonder and misery in front of me.
ReplyDeleteEllie H
Slowly, the dark, fear-spreading steam rose up around the cathedral standing like a beacon of hope in the gloominess of the street. Ruined houses crumbled away and rubble fell down. Like a death sentence, the steam surrounded everything. It was a wall of destruction. Petrified, people sprinted away without a care. Worried, scared faces appeared in the darkness like dark light bulbs flickering back on after years. Little bits of flames spit and spluttered, not wanting to die. Dented, beaten ambulances chugged along and stopped, waiting patiently for new passengers. Acrid smoke drifted through the peaceful midnight air, causing coughs.
ReplyDeleteDeclan O
Dark,misty smoke rising above each and every building;all but one....Stressed parents,whining children all crying."God,have mercy apon us".Suddenly a clearing appered and a golden glow circled the pointed topped church."He must have heared us,quick everyone,to the church so we can show our love and thanks to the o mighty one".A tall dark man in a top hat and long grey cloack,shouted between coughs,and splutters,from the smoke.there was a long,harsh paragraph of silence.Then every pressured person in the big city hurltled towards the holy,glowing building trying to get into the two tall golden doors to show their appretiation for the creator of the world.The unlucky few people at the back of the long fat queue were now pushing and barging their way to the greatest ones building.
ReplyDeleteby the way,sorry but i sadly forgot to put my name at the bottom of this descriptive writing.so i rembered as much of the story as i could and wrote it here...
Deletefrom freyja p-c class:11
.Smoke was rising above and beyond every weak,tumbling building;all but one...stressed parents,wining children,all crying."God have mercy apon us".suddenly a clearing appered and a golden glow circled the pointed topped church."He must have hered us,quick everyone,to the church so we can show our love and thanks to the o mighty one".A tall dark man in a top hat and long grey cloak shouted,between coughs,and splutteres,from the smoke.There was a long,harsh paragraph of silence .then everyone was hurtling towards the holy glowing building,trying toget into the two tall golden doors to show their appretiation for the creator of the earth.The unlucky few people at the back were now pushing and barging their way to the greatest ones building.
ReplyDeletefreyja p-c class:11
Great big black clouds filled the streets as bombs bellowed down from the thunderous sky. Fire flickered into feisty fog as faces fell faster than fighters fighting and flying. Screaming people headed for the dangerous underground, house blew like butter melting in a giant saucepan. The wind moved like sound waves, though a little faster. Noise flew out the open hatches of the songful tube in the mud and fled into the misty day. The only building which was fine but damaged heavily was st.paul’s church. The painful sound of bombs dropping was hurting the felling of the town pupils.
ReplyDeleteoops... I foget to put my name
Smoke was the only thing I could see; its sooty tentacles were slowly coiling themselves around the beloved cathedral hiding all that used to be well. I also saw lumps of bricks trying to turn themselves into the powerful monuments they used to be. But worst of all was the flickering fire dancing, prancing mocking the dreary, heavy lumps of what used to be the proudest city in all the world- London. Not only that but the careful, quick rythm of love been drowned out by the banging of bombs. Then a dark, hooded figure came up to me, pulled of his cape. Then I realised it was death.
ReplyDeleteEmily SG
Bombs exploding, looking up in search for great news and there it was right in front of me, the cathedral of salvation. I took one risk taking step towards death with the floor dropping it felt like I was going as fast as a cheetah but still as slow as a snail. Falling into a pit that never ends, the cathedral rose me up and there I was believing there was hope for all who believed. This is when I saw the cloud full of gloominess and darkness getting pushed by the bright, joyful freedom of the hatred of war.
ReplyDeleteJoshua .w 6